Ornament Thursday: Celeste (Ice Blue)

ornamentbanner150Welcome to OT 2009! The Ornament Thursday group has lots planned this year all around unusual colors and color names. This month kicks it off with the theme “Celeste” and our projects center around a pale, icy blue shade.

celeste1With most of the country in the throes of cold weather and ice storms, it seemed appropriate to start off with a color that reflects that feeling! Even here in Phoenix, the temps hovered at a chilly 44 all morning (Don’t hate me! My blood is thin.). I thought this image…”.

You can see pale blue in this image, and yet the object in the image is was began in the farthest thing from icy…red, hot fire! It’s a glass, lampwork bead made by Kaye Husko and out of the fire came “ice” in the form of these beads, cold and sparkly with a pale blue cast.  Bits of silver melted in as well, ending in hard jewels of glass.




From there, they made their way to this bracelet, wired with sterling silver and hammered rings. Glittering and hard as ice!


Please see our other Ornament Thursday Participants:

Creating Ice Blue
When a color you love goes out of production, make your own!

Farm Girl Roots, City Girl Style
Linda Augsburg shares her celeste-inspired card.

Heather’s Ramblings
A bright blue sky and beach scene for dreary weather

Uniquely Mine for $20
Cindy Gimbrone hooks up lovely ice blue cashmere into a celestial colored neck scarf. Finished off with an artist made button – it’s uniquely hers for $20!

Beading Help Web’s Ice Blue Topaz Celeste Necklace
Got some teeny tiny beads, sterling wire and a plain toggle? Lynn shows you how to put it all together for a fabulous clasp or focal pendant!

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