Tag Archives: bone cancer

Puppy Love

Thanks for all the kind words and messages about my sweet Rose.

Her cancer hasn’t spread a lot yet, but it appears to be starting in that direction. She’s almost 11. We don’t plan to take aggressive measures that will only give us an additional couple of months. Keeping her pain manageable and her remaining time enjoyable is the plan. I know she’ll let us know when it’s no longer “a dog’s life”.

Nash hovers (when he’s not flat out stealing her space on her bed) and Rose is letting him. She still drags her leash from wherever it is not supposed to be (she can’t stand to see it on a chair or table or just out of the office unless it’s on her collar). Short walks to the mailbox are OK but we don’t want her injuring her leg, so memories of her flying around the backyard reliving her racing days are what we will hang onto. What beautiful creatures greyhounds are when they run relatively free.

Her ability to tell time has now added 7am and 7pm to the 5pm dinner alarm. Those are the times she gets her meds. One is beef-flavored so she keeps pretty close tabs on them. 🙂 I think the most heartbreaking aspect so far, is the increased snuggling she does. I turn around and she’s there, leaning into me, pushing her head into my legs. Licking my toes under my desk. She’s knows our pain is different and has been trying to ease it. I’m sure of it.